Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Tron and Unicorns.

      I saw Tron: Legacy today with my older brother, John, who has been back from college for Christmas break for a couple of weeks now. It was an excellent movie, aside from any way Disney disgraced the original (I, however, have not seen the original, so I can't attest to any disgracing, though it is likely that it does exist), and I highly suggest you see it. The chick that plays Quorra (Olivia Wilde) is adorable, and the kid who plays Sam (Garrett Hedlund) isn't that shabby either; even though I think that when someone does a parody of this movie, they should use Michael Cera. One can never have too much Michael Cera, and...well this picture speaks for itself:
Tron: Legacy (obviously) doesn't belong to me. Don't sue me.

Who doesn't want to see that?

     So, on to more interesting things (More interesting that Micheal Cera as Sam Flynn? Doubtful.). As soon as we got to the part of the movie with the lightcycles, I knew my ride home was going to be going at a minimum of 15 miles an hour over the speed limit. You see, my brother is not a particularly safe driver, and that, coupled with the fact that he truly believes he is the safest driver since Henry Ford (whom, I imagine, was a pretty safe driver, considering the fact that he didn't die before the invention of safety precautions such as airbags and the like) or Joe from Princess Diaries (who, I am still pretty sure, is a ninja), makes him one very dangerous driver. Bad driver + extreme confidence for driving = very horribly terrifyingly bad driver.
     I would rather have not entrusted my life to this post-adolescent traffic violation, but I really wanted to see this movie. Just the way over it was fairly chaotic, so I was forced by my own desire for a three-dimensional adventure into this machine o' death, to survive on my coping methods for the journey there and back. If you are also forced to enter the car with a driver that seems to believe his or her car is made of pixie dust and magic that allows collision to be completely incomprehensible, I shall suggest one coping mechanism to you, my dear friend.

1) Pretend that you are riding a UNICORN.
Because, when you are riding a UNICORN everything is very okay, so okay that the amounts of okay are limitless. UNICORNS are not only awesome, UNICORNS possess magical powers, so you can be all like, "What was that? I ran a red-light? Doesn't matter because I'm riding a UNICORN! My UNICORN can go right through your Hummer with its magical UNICORN powers!" On your UNICORN you are safe. On your UNICORN you are happy. That's right, I used magenta, because there is no ultraviolet font color. But, it doesn't matter. I'm riding a FREAKING UNICORN! (I apologize for the randomly highlighted letters and words, the highlight makes the font color visible against the background.)

    I am home safe now, thanks to my UNICORN, and somewhat hungry, so, now, it is snack time. I'm actually going to proofread this before posting it this time, but, first, some reduced fat Ruffles and some Lays dip and a tall glass of milk.



  1. ninja UNICORNs are better.they breath fire, shoot lasers out of their eyes, and eat dwarfs(the mythical kind)

  2. @SilentNoise, many varieties of UNICORN are available. Ninja UNICORNs are very likely the champion of UNICORNs. :D

  3. Shaddup about my driving. My lack of a traffic record speaks differently than you. for the moment I will only give you a fancy look of disapproval.
    If this persists I will break out the grues.
