Thursday, December 30, 2010

The DMV and Gender Confusions.

     Today, I am the proud owner of a little piece of plastic that declares the legality of me being behind the wheel of a moving automobile, as long as there is an adult driver of at least the age of twenty-one in the designated passenger seat. At ripe old age of sixteen, I'm slightly behind on the whole license ordeal than the average person of my general geographic location, but better late than never.

"At the DMV. Scary to think this is what it looks like when the government runs something. Our healthcare is doomed."-My band director.

     I think that the DMV is the most common place you will ever see so many severe cases of gender confusion. By this, I mean that you cannot possibly tell which gender said person is. The case is not always that they are unattractive, sometimes they are very attractive, but you just aren't really sure if it's a chick or a dude. There are the mustached women, the scene boys, the transsexual girls, the tom-girls, the overweight black people, and the balding white people. You just cannot tell!
     This is not to be confused with self-gender confusion. This is commonly found in younger humans in the confusing days of childhood, and sometimes in adult humans and animals. I, as most children, had to learn the concept that partial nudity was not socially acceptable in public, because boys and girls are made different. Also, my cat, Pookie (originally named Sweet~Purr), looks something like this:

I wonder if my mother would be insulted that I searched "awful chair fabric" in Google images for a fabric like her chair's.
Pookie is neutered, and truly believes in his little kitty heart that he is a lady cat. Like a good mother, I support him in this.

     On the topic of confusions, what is this Silly Band?
      I found this photograph while creeping somewhere on Facebook (because, people just shouldn't leave their profiles as public if they don't expect creepers), and the commentators had previously decided that it was a "Raptor Jesus" Silly Band. I don't know what kind of identity crisis it is undergoing, but this most definitely needs to be addressed. I guess you just can't have a company that produces and packages shaped elastic bands without some inbreeding taking place.

Well, that's really all I have to say today.

*Lick* <3


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